Sunday, March 15, 2009

Professions for 2009

Here's my schedule of professions for 2009: I printed off 12 goal charts from Chart Jungle, put them in a binder, and have been using them to identify my professional goals for the month.
  1. January: Historian (a.k.a. scrapbooker)  What a fun way to start off the year! You've got all those great pics from the holidays and you're ready to just veg. I created a tonne of digi-pages, printed some, and went to a full-day scrapbooking event.
  2. February: Home Organizer  I used my goal chart to pick an area to work on each week. My bedside table is finally functioning. It makes me giddy!
  3. March: Cheerleader
  4. April: Gardener   I'm such an optimist since it is snowing as I type this.
  5. May: Naturalist   I've never actually accomplished this one. . . butt, since it is snowing whilst I type, I am SO looking forward to taking the children for walks in the ravine.
  6. June: Meal Planner   I'm looking for a couple dozen great vegetarian meals.
  7. July: Artist
  8. August: Photographer   I got 2 new cameras in Dec. of last year and need to read those manuals!!
  9. September: Monk   You bet that's a profession! I will work on self-discipline and developing better spiritual habits.
  10. October: Interior Decorator
  11. November: Shopper/Artisan   Having Christmas wrapped by the end of November makes December so dreamy! At least I imagine it would ;)
  12. December: Events Planner


Greg said...

hey Samber!

Julie said...

Let me leave a comment you retarded computer!

Julie said...

Yeah!!!! Phew!

Unknown said...

Love it. LOVE IT!

Ryan Ramage said...

#6 - Addictive Sweet potato burritos. SR has the recipe. Fantastic.