Friday, March 18, 2011

Super Thankful Thought

So my favorite, Ali Edwards, uses rounded corner frames that I love (and use) and she has come up with a great idea that I love (and now use) of periodically framing a photo with a Thankful Thought frame. Click here to visit her blog and download her Thankful Thought frame. I just downloaded mine today and immediately had a super chance to use it. Keep reading.

It was above freezing, the sun was shining and we had new snow yesterday: time to toboggan! I invited a friend and we took our children, and I thought to bring my zoom lens. Well, my daughter loves to go over the jump and it freaks me out. I normally forbid it but today I thought it would be fun to catch some photos of her going over the jump; I'm too overprotective, right?

So my thankful thought today is that we have never had to make a trip to the emergency room after a happy afternoon of tobogganing. My super, SUPER thankful thought. The landing here threatened a concussion but this girl is so brave; a couple Advil and she was up for a movie night watching E.T. (If her dad had been in town, we would have spent the evening at the emergency room. Word.)

Ya. That picture makes my feel a little queasy. I'm back to the no-going-over-the-jump rule, and I think this girl is now fully on board.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Decorator of Kitchen

I haven't received the pink slip as of yet, butt I'm pretty sure that I was fired by the blue-collar workers union. They don't want to call any pansy lazy butts, like me, one of their own. Sooooo... onto my next profession. My sister is overhauling her bathroom, which I hope to feature here, and learning how to put in wainscoting, which she will then teach me to do. My plan is to paint my kitchen grey, put in some counter height wainscoting on the one wall (you thought YOUR kitchen was small but mine only has ONE wall!) that doesn't have cupboards on it. You should know that long ago, in a land far, far away... okay, a town 10 minutes away but it was last summer, my sister ordered some vinyl for me.

I chose orange, and yellow orange versions of the above vinyl decals from wiwicoco on Etsy.
Which I plan to apply to these cupboards in my kitchen.

 So, the plan:
  1. paint walls grey
  2. put up some wainscoting and paint it white
  3. re-paint cupboards white
  4. make a new valance: a graphic orange and grey material
  5. order white vinyl quotes for up above cupboards
  6. wait 1 month then put up vinyl decals
And just in case "anyone" is confused, this is my kitchen. My kitchen right now. The kitchen that you just walked out of after you finished the dishes. Yes, OUR kitchen! Don't be confused because you see it on the interweb. It can be viewed on the internet AND in our house at the SAME time. Okay, ya, the 1st picture is not our kitchen. You're right. But the next three really are.
