Monday, April 6, 2009

snowbank gardener

Yippee! I can feel warmth radiating from the glowing orb in the sky! I've been a professional gardener for 6 days now but my yard has been covered in snow. . . it does pose a problem although DH and I have been cross-country skiing 3 times this month. Yesterday my soggy bottom boys spent a couple of hours racing toothpicks in the run-off streaming down the gutter toward the drain, so I'm optimistic that I will be able to get at the dirt this week.


Julie said...

I wonder if being a professional gardener means you have to garden at your own house. I would say no. Actually, now that I mention it I think the pros rarely, if ever, have time for their own houses. So, are you going to be a real pro this month? I have dirt at my house.

Anonymous said...

i laid my body down on the sidewalk outside my house in the sun just to feel the warm...loving it...please stay, warmness!!!
Can you garden yourself out of the thorny paths of bad habits or plant the seeds of love in your heart or something like that if this whole snow in your yard thing doesn't resolve??