Saturday, January 7, 2012

My One Little Word for 2012

  1. Lightness of spirits or mood; gaiety or joy.
  2. A source of joy or happiness; a comfort.
    1. A shout of approval, encouragement, or congratulation.
    2. A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders.
  3. Festive food and drink; refreshment.
  1. To make happier 
  2. To encourage
  3. To salute or acclaim; applaud.
I've spent a week using my new word and I think it's a keeper. If you want more info about "One Little Word" click to be taken to the description at Ali Edward's blog. Ali's aim is to "choose a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life".


I was a professional cheerleader one month, which was S-U-P [clap] E-R fun and really focused on one aspect of 'cheer'. I enjoyed it, so I want to explore it further. Obviously the fourth definition must be explored...what an unexpectedly delicious definition for 'cheer'!

How I plan to use my word:
  1. cheer on my children.  One of my sons experienced a very pointedly unkind act at school before the holidays and it just reminded me that if I'm not cheering him on, who will?
  2. find cheer in what others are saying.  I want to listen to others with the goal to encourage them, or applaud them, or comfort them.
  3. be cheerful during family meals.  There is noise. There is complaining. There is belching. There is a crabby mother. There isn't cheer. THAT was 2011! In 2012, I will bring to the table a lightness of spirit, gaiety and joy (despite the belching). 
  4. search out what brings me cheer.  I am not very self-aware when it comes to what brings me joy. I will have a better idea by the end of 2012 and I will be seeking those things out. 
  5. cheer on myself.   Point the V, Dot the I, Curl the C-T-O-R-Y, Victory [clap-clap] Victory [clap] GOOOOOOO Sondi! Tee hee. I am going to applaud at least one thing that I do every day. I could start a 'cheer' journal...
This kid knows 'cheer'! It took 45 minutes and an army of strangers returning popped skis after nasty falls to get him down his first run off the chair lift, but he just picked himself up and went...for another lesson. Butt he enjoyed himself.

If you do decide to choose a word for 2012, make sure that you find a way to remind yourself of your word. You can buy charms, or necklaces with custom words on them. Or a small vinyl sticker in your bedroom could work.


1 comment:

Katherine said...

Great ideas Sondi. A cheer diary. Discovering what makes us happiest.
Go Sondi!!!