- Lightness of spirits or mood; gaiety or joy.
- A source of joy or happiness; a comfort.
- A shout of approval, encouragement, or congratulation.
- A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders.
- Festive food and drink; refreshment.
- To make happier
- To encourage
- To salute or acclaim; applaud.
I was a professional cheerleader one month, which was S-U-P [clap] E-R fun and really focused on one aspect of 'cheer'. I enjoyed it, so I want to explore it further. Obviously the fourth definition must be explored...what an unexpectedly delicious definition for 'cheer'!
How I plan to use my word:
- cheer on my children. One of my sons experienced a very pointedly unkind act at school before the holidays and it just reminded me that if I'm not cheering him on, who will?
- find cheer in what others are saying. I want to listen to others with the goal to encourage them, or applaud them, or comfort them.
- be cheerful during family meals. There is noise. There is complaining. There is belching. There is a crabby mother. There isn't cheer. THAT was 2011! In 2012, I will bring to the table a lightness of spirit, gaiety and joy (despite the belching).
- search out what brings me cheer. I am not very self-aware when it comes to what brings me joy. I will have a better idea by the end of 2012 and I will be seeking those things out.
- cheer on myself. Point the V, Dot the I, Curl the C-T-O-R-Y, Victory [clap-clap] Victory [clap] GOOOOOOO Sondi! Tee hee. I am going to applaud at least one thing that I do every day. I could start a 'cheer' journal...
If you do decide to choose a word for 2012, make sure that you find a way to remind yourself of your word. You can buy charms, or necklaces with custom words on them. Or a small vinyl sticker in your bedroom could work.