- My Cuba book arrived. Wonderful.
- I've ordered 2 canvases: Photos #1 and 3 - I'll switch them out of the grouping for some variety. I'll post a photo once they arrive.
- June is Bike Month.
On June 10th, for our 17th anniversary, my husband and I packed up our bikes, picked up a picnic supper at one of our favorite restaurants, and headed to our city's gorgeous river valley. We rode our bikes to a spot with a gorgeous view of said river, enjoyed our picnic (complete with sticky toffee pudding. Drool.) and then went for a bike ride with that super awesome evening sun reminding us of how good life is.
On June 13th, my friend organized a morning for the Kayaking Kraycees at a lovely little pond that is about a 20 minute car ride from my house. I figured that I could get there faster by bike. I checked out the route with the helpful satellite map and rode my bike BY MYSELF on a route that I'd never been on before. THAT is as adventurous as I get, people. And it felt so gooooooooood!
My 3rd thankful thought is that I was able to so thoroughly enjoy this morning:
- physically - how blessed am I to be able to pedal a bike, and to feel the sun on my skin?!?
- visually - one of the reasons that I love winter is because it helps me to enjoy the beauty of summer
- socially - so thankful for a friend who organized an awesome morning around sharing her kayaks
- emotionally - my body was so full of positive energy that there was no room for anything else
- auditorily - I arrived before the others and just sat by the still water enjoying the call of those red-wing blackbirds!
- mentally - it is so rewarding to accomplish something challenging!
Photo courtesy of Jeanette, featuring Julie. |
Great post! And thanks for the guest appearance on your awesome blog! The lighting looks super great in that shot.
I just wanted to stop by and say thank you very much for visiting my blog on the Jessica Sprague blog hop. You're welcome back any time! I have lots of free digital template freebies and I love making new friends. Thanks again, Heather
P.S. Your photography is really stunning! Thanks for sharing it with us.
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